Have you ever wondered where the Rock Rugby logo came from? So did we, so we asked Coach Rock. This is what we found out:
When I decided to start up Rock Rugby – this would have been around 2014 – we were a combination of Stony Point HS and Cedar Ridge HS. Stony Point had been doing very well but Cedar Ridge was getting hammered by all the schools. Despite letting opposing coaches know that CR players were only 9th and 10th grades and new to the sport, they just kept their first side in and hammered the kids.
We lost many players to injury and just quitting because who wants to get beaten so badly every weekend. So of course I was not too happy and decided it was time to create a club, and I just thought Rock Rugby was the most logical.
That summer we were going to the CRC in Philly for 7’s, our first ever trip and I decided to order new uniforms. I looked at many sites and one in particular had a design center, Akuma. So, I created the uniform and the one I chose had the chevrons. At that point I didn’t have a logo. So the next season I decided we needed a logo, and I remembered the jersey look and thought why not just adopt the chevrons. Which I did. And it hit me afterwards that it was meant to be as I once owned a gym – Sgt. Rock’s Gym in Galveston, TX. And of course, the Sgt. logo has…you guessed it… 3 chevrons!
And the keystone from the Academy logo?

The keystone is from Pennsylvania, my home state. I did that to differentiate the logo from the club side, trying to identify the academy as a separate entity.
So there you have it – the origin story of the Rock Rugby chevrons, a symbol that has grown to represent rugby excellence in Central Texas and beyond for almost a decade.
But that also poses an interesting question – if you were creating a brand new sports team in the Round Rock area today, what would you call it?
Let us know in the comments. I think I’m going with the Round Rock Hairy Men 🙂